The research will be followed by applications of the acquired knowledge to geometrically rich combinatorial structures like configurations, maps and polytopes, as well as to usually less symmetric large networks.
Main goal
Geometric and other representations of graphs and graph based combinatorial structures have important applications in mathematics, computer science, social networks, chemistry, bioinformatics, etc. The main goal of the project is to develop a coherent theory of graph representations with emphasis on symmetric and near symmetric structures or products.
Research and application of knowledge
The research will be followed by applications of the acquired knowledge to geometrically rich combinatorial structures like configurations, maps and polytopes, as well as to usually less symmetric large networks. The motivation for research arises mainly from applications in mathematical chemistry, bioinformatics and social networks.
The project consists of 5 themes.
The coherent theory of representations will be established through integration of approaches in the themes 1–4, while motivated by applications in the theme 5.
- Theme 1: Representations and structure of graphs and other discrete structures
- Theme 2: Near symmetric structures or products
- Theme 3: Representations of symmetric graphs
- Theme 4: Representations of configurations, maps and polytopes
- Theme 5: Representations of large networks and applications in chemistry, bioinformatics and social network
More about project
- Strategy and work plan
- Deliverables and/or milestones
- Scientific track record
- Elaboration on the expertise, objectives and contributions
- Contribution to the whole CRP stressing the European added value
- Description of the overall management of the CRP
Other EUROGIGA projects
June 12-14 'kick-off' meeting presentations
How to correctly acknowledge the ESF's support in publications
"This work has been financed by <Names of involved national Funding Agencies> within the EUROCORES Programme EUROGIGA (project GReGAS) of the European Science Foundation."