3-year PhD studentships
Fully-funded 3-year PhD studentships for one or two students are available in the Mathematics Department at the University of Auckland, to work with Dr. Dimitri Leemans and Prof. Marston Conder on a project on Highly symmetric polytopes, from early 2013. This project is funded by the Marsden Fund of the Royal Society of New Zealand.
We are looking for students with a Masters or Honours degree in mathematics, with interest and background knowledge in algebra and combinatorics. Each studentship will cover all standard university fees, and provide a tax-free annual stipend of NZ$25,000 (which is about US$20,000 or 16,150 Euros). The starting date can be any time in 2013.
Interested candidates should send an expression of interest, recent CV, an up-to-date copy of their academic record, and the contact details for two referees, by email to Dimitri Leemans by 15 December
Dr. Dimitri Leemans
University of Auckland
Department of Mathematics
Private Bag 92019, Auckland
New Zealand