Deliverables and/or milestones
One month after the start of the project the kick-off meeting of all PIs and APs in Bled, Slovenia, forming several operating groups that will be responsible for achieving goals and providing deliverables. In summer 2011 a big meeting in Bled Slovenia with minisymposia dedicated to the project themes run by PIs and APs. After three years, several completed MSc an PhDs. After three years a big concluding conference in which the results will be presented to the public.
- M1 Kick-off meeting (detailed project work plan, web site)
- M2 Bled Conference with dedicated mini symposia (June 2011)
- M3 Annual software release and census update (December 2011)
- M4 Internal annual research report (March 2012).
- M5 Annual software release and census update (December 2012).
- M6 Internal annual research report (March 2013).
- M7 Organization of a large conference (with GEMS workshop – June 2013)
– Organization and dissemination of project results
– Special issue of Ars Mathematica Contemporanea - M8 Annual software release and census update (December 2013)
- M9 Final report (March 2014)
Each year milestones include the following deliverables:
- Pajek update with new algorithms developed.
- Software release of Magma (GAP or SAGE) specific code libraries.
- Censuses upgrade on web site(maps, polytopes, symmetric graphs, etc.)
- Min. 1 scientific paper per each PIs group submitted to a SCI indexed journal.
- Annual report containing submitted/published papers and analysis of project achievements.